Urdu Shayri Image Biography
Source (google.com.pk)
(The poetry portion of this site is edited by Muslim Saleem, who is poet, writer and journalist of repute. Muslim Saleem’s ash’ar are widely popular due to being connected with grassroots. It was his idea that we created this directory of Urdu poets and writers of Madhya Pradesh – Chief Editor, Ataullah Faizan and Editor (Abdul Ahad Farhan) (See Muslim Saleem’s poetry with English and Hindi translations at this web site, muslimsaleem.blogspot.com and muslimsaleem.wordpress.com) Email: muslimsaleem@rediffmail.com mobiles: 9009217456, 9893611323 phone 0755-2730580. Muslim Saleem is an alumni of Aligarh Muslim University and is DCE of Hindustan Times, Bhopal. Related directories: Urdu poets and writers of India and Urdu poets and writers of Madhya Pradesh on khojkhabarnews.com’s poetry section)
(Note the list of deceased litterateurs in the end of this directory)
Zindagi ki tarah bikhar jaayen……kyun ham aise jiyen ki mar jaayen
kar di meeras waarison ke sipurd….zindagi kis ke naam mar jaayen
rooh ke karb ka kuchh mudaawa no tha….
doctor neend ki goiyan likh gaya
wo dekhne mein ab bhi tanawar darakht hai
haalanke waqt khod chuka hai jaden tamam
(Hazrat) Amir Khusrau (Aslo Khusro): The great sufi saint, poet and musician, Amir Khusrau was born in Patiali town in Etah district (Now in Uttar Pradesh) in the year 1193. His father’s name was Amir Saifuddin. Khusrau is regarded as the first poet of Hindustani language that later branched out in Urdu and Hindi. Though he also wrote verses in Persian, but he is highly regarded for his poetry in Hindustani language and his contribution to Indian classical music. The verses composed by him have met with tremendous popularity and even after 750 years, qawwals start their qawwali sessions with one or other of his ghazals, dohas and bands. Amir Khusrau is also credited with invention of table by bifurcating pakhawaj and initiated several Raags as well. Amir Khusrau, revered as Hazrat Amir Khusrau due to his being a disciple of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aula (RA), saw the era of 11 kings from Ghiasuddin Balban to Nasiruddin Mohammad Tughaq and remained a respectable member of their courts. In the era of Alauddin Khilji, he was decorated with the honour of “Tuti-e-Hind” for his poetic excellence. Amir Khusrau also won the title of “Naik” in music. According to Allama Shibli, he got this title after defeating Gopal, who was the champion musician in his era. His famous doha;
Gauri sowe sej par, mukh par daare kes
Chal Khusrau ghar aapne, ren bhai chahu des
Is generally sung by qawwals when he start their qawwali session. It is said that Amir Khusrau had come out with this doha spontaneously after the death of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia RA. According to historians, Amir Khusrau was on the military excursion of Tabarhut. When he returned to Delhi, Amir Khusrau he came to know about the death of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia RA. He immediately rushed to the grave of the Hazrat blackening his face and said this doha.
Abdul Haq (Baba-e-urdu)
Abdus Salam Niaz Dehlavi
Dr. Abdus Sattar Dalvi
Aazim Kohli
Dr. Afaq Fakhri
Afsar Deccani
Afsar Deccani started penning poetry since 1967. Afsar Deccani was born on September 13, 1949 at Protor in Kadappa district of Andhra Prades. He is a disciple of Zafar Gorakhpuri. Collection of his poetry "Mitti ki mahak" was published in 2010. Since 1975, Afsar Deccani has settled in Kalyan (Mahrashtra). Address: Room No. 6, Ist Floor, Yakub Manzil, Near Masjid, Old Bale Bazar, Kalyan (W)-421301 (Mumbai). Phone: 0251 2317866 Mob. 09869720786
Dr. Ahmad Ali Barqi Azmi
Dr.Ahmad Ali Barqi Azmi is an eminent poet of classical Urdu Languge/poetry. He was born on 25th of Dec.1954 in Azamgarh (U.P.). He completed his education both from Shibli National College Azamgarh and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He completed his Masters in Urdu & Persian as also degree in education and topping that with a doctorate in modern /classical Persian from the Centre of African & Asian Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU) in the year 1996.He has travelled as part of his study tour to many countries including Iran and Afghanistan. Presently he is serving as Translator-cum-Announcer (T/A incharge), in Persian service of the External Services Division of All India Radio, New Delhi. Dr.Barqi Azmi is devoted to the cause of furthering Urdu language through his rendering of Urdu poetry in general as well as “Topical Poetry “on various issues of National and International prominence. For example a series of couplets titled “Yaad e RaftagaaN”-a poetic tribute to living and deceased Urdu poets including the stalwarts/legends like Wali Dakkini, Meer Taqi Meer, Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Allama Shibli, Sir Syed and Faiz to name just a few. He is also well known for writing on such issues as: natural disasters like the 2004 Tsunami, 2011,Japan earthquake, scientific expeditions, on health topics like Polio & AIDS etc, environmental issues like pollution, Global Warming and also on UN mandated International Days(World Earth Day, Mothers Day, International Science Day etc).Dr.Ahmad Ali Barqi Azmi has not only brought spotlight for his native Azamgarh but also his Alma meter Dayar e Shibli also known as Shibli National College. His collection of poetry is easily accessible on Internet on various Urdu Websites & facebook.Here is a link of his personal websites: http://www.drbarqiazmi.com , http://drbarqiazmi.yolasite.com. He can be contacted on mobile No. +919868894385.
ڈاکٹر احمد علی برقی اعظمی کی موضوعاتی شاعری : ڈاکٹر غلام شبیر رانا
اردو ادب میں موضوعاتی شاعری پر بہت کم توجہ دی گئی ہے .قلی قطب شاہ سے لے کر ڈاکٹر احمد علی برقی اعظمی تک اردو میں موضوعاتی شاعری نے جو ارتقائی سفر طے کیا ہے اس کا جائزہ لینے سے یہ حقیقت روز روشن کی طرح واضح ہو جاتی ہے کہ موضوعاتی شاعری نے اب ایک مضبوط اور مستحکم روایت کی صورت اختیار کر لی ہے .اس رجحان کو انجمن پنجاب کی خیال پرور اور فکر انگیز شاعری سے بے پناہ تقویت ملی .آقائے اردو مولانا محمد حسین آزاد کی مساعی سے اردو میںموضوعاتی شاعری کو ایک اہم مقام ملا.اس کے بعد یہ روایت مسلسل پروان چڑھتی رہی .عالمی شہرت کے حامل نامور شاعر محسن بھوپالی کا ایک شعری مجموعہ "موضوعاتی شاعری " کے نام سے آج سے پندرہ برس پہلے شائع ہو چکا ہے .اس سے یہ صداقت معلوم ہو تی ہے کہ روشن خیال ادیبوں ،دانشوروں اور شاعروں نے موضوعاتی شاعری کی اہمیت کو تسلیم کرتے ہوئے اس صنف میں طبع آزمائی کی .مجھے یہ جان کر خوشی ہوئی کہ ممتاز ادیب ،شاعر ،دانشور ،نقاد اور محقق ڈاکٹر احمد علی برقی اعظمی نے اردو کی موضوعاتی شاعری پر بھر پور توجہ دی ہے .ان کی شاعری کے متعدد نمونے میرے سامنے ہیں .وہ جس موضوع پر قلم اٹھاتے ہیں اسے لا زوال بنا دیتے ہیں .ان کا اختصاص یہ ہے کہ وہ عظیم تخلیق کاروں کو منظوم خراج تحسین پیش کر کے ان کے بارے میں مثبت شعور و آگہی پرواں چڑھانے کی مقدور بھر سعی کرتے ہیں .اس میدان میں ان کی مساعی اپنی مثال آپ ہیں .جس انداز میں وہ اپنے موضوع پر طبع آزمائی کرتے ہیں اوروں سے وہ تقلیدی طورپر بھی ممکن نہیں.اس لا زوال اور ابد آشنا شاعری میں کوئی ان کا شریک اور سہیم دکھائی نہیں دیتا.مرزا اسداللہ خان غالب ،میر تقی میر ،احمد فراز،پروین شاکر،فیض احمد فیض ،سید صادقین نقوی،مظفر وارثی اور متعدد عظیم تخلیق کاروں کو ڈاکٹر احمد علی برقی اعظمی نے جس خلوص اور دردمندی سے خراج تحسین پیش کیا وہ نہ صرف ان کی عظمت فکر کی دلیل ہے بلکہ اس طرح ان کا نام جریدہ عالم پر ہمیشہ کے لیے ثبت ہو گیا ہے .ان کا اسلوب ان کی ذات ہے .وہ انسانی ہمدردی کے بلند ترین منصب پر فائز ہیں .کسی کا دکھ درد دیکھ کر وہ تڑپ اٹھتے ہیں اور فی البدیہہ موضوعاتی شاعری کے ذریعے وہ تزکیہ نفس کی متنوع صورتیں تلاش کر کے ید بیضا کا معجزہ دکھاتے ہیں.ان کی موضوعاتی شاعری کا تعلق کسی ایک فرد،علاقے یا نظریے سے ہر گز نہیں ان کی شاعری میں جو پیغام ہے اس کی نوعیت آفاقی ہے اور وہ انسانیت کے ساتھ روحانی وابستگی اور قلبی انس کا بر ملا اظہار کرتے ہیں .ان کا یہ اسلوب انھیں ممتاز اور منفرد مقام عطا کرتا ہے .ان کے بار احسان سے اردو داں طبقے کی گردن ہمیشہ خم رہے گی . انھوں نے تہذیبی اور ثقافتی اقدار کو اشعارکے قالب میں ڈھال کر وہ معرکہ آرا کارنام انجام دیا ہے جو تاریخ ادب میں آب زرسے لکھا جائے گا.
Ahmad Alvi
Aijaz Siddiqui
Ameer Meenai
Amir Meenai was born at Lucknow in 1826. He got his earl, education from his father, Karm Mohammed Meenaj, who was a man of learning and piety. After the revolt of 1857, Amir Meenai migratj to Rampur, where he lived a comfortable life under the patronage of Nawab Yousaf Ali Khan, and his successor, Nawab Kalab Ali Khan. It was at Rampur that he spent a greater part of his life: and it was here that he attained the height of fame as a poet. He was also the poetic mentor of the two nawabs, both of whom were poets in their own right. It was here again that he compiled and published the two parts of his (incomplete) Urdu dictionary caiied, Amir-uI-ghaat. Amir's poetical works are collected under two heads: Maraaf-ul-Ghaajb and Sanam Khanae-Ishq. After the death of Nawab Kalab Ali Khan, Ameer was persuaded to go to Hyderabad, where he was enthusiastically received by the Nizam. But he was not destined to live long in Hyderabad. He died in 1900 after a brief, one-month illness. Amir had an inborn talent for poetry, which he had perfected under the guidance of Muzaffar Ali Asir, a veteran poet and a rigorous mentor. In Delhi and Lucknow, had become the centre of literary tivity, bringing together famous poets from both these places. He is also known as a lexicographer, Sufi, scholar, editor, prose writer, translator, and connoisseur of language. He had studied logic, law, geography, mathematics, medicine, history, religion, music, philosophy and wrote some 50 books in Urdu and Persian.He is also known as having a master of astrology, `ramal`, and `jafar`, the arts of foretelling the future, and wrote two books on them. However many of his books are not be published. Ameer helped popularise the naat genre in Urdu poetry and the popularity of his naats proved to be a trend-setter among other poets. Among his creation was `Ameer-ul-Lughaat`, an Urdu-Urdu dictionary that he intended to compile in eight volumes but it had never been complied and only two volumes came out in 1891 and 1892 respectively .Due to reasons that include ill health and a fire that devoured his library and manuscripts he was not able to finish all volumes .It is never concluded exactly how many volumes exist and only the third volume manuscript was found and is treasured by Ameer Meenai`s grandson Israel Meenai who intends to get it published soon. Israel Ahmed Meenai who had published a few years ago `Miraat-ul-ghaib` and `Sanam khana-i-ishq`, the two collections of Ameer`s poetry. Now he has come up with two important books of Ameer`s, published in one volume. One is an account of Muhammad's early life written in prose. Titled `Khayaban-i-Aafrinish`, it describes Muhammad`s life and is based on authentic sources. The other is `Mahaamid-i-Khatamun Nabiyeen`, the collection of Ameer`s naat poetry. Mutala e Amir published in 1963 from Lucknow written by Abu Muhammad Sahar is an important work done on the life and literary works of Ameer Meenai
Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image

Urdu Shayri Image

Urdu Shayri Image

Urdu Shayri Image
Urdu Shayri Image

Urdu Shayri Image
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